Selasa, 18 Desember 2012


Hater: "Why do you like Beyonce, you know you never gonna meet her?" Me: "Why do you breath air, you know you gonna die?" (via @beyoncedknowles)

"Byk masalah di dunia yg hrs dikasih perhatian, lagu2 yg harus ditulis, buku2 yg hrs dibaca, byk hal penting dlm hidup & haters ga termasuk." (via @Anggun_Cipta)

"Haters, will always hate you no matter how good you are, so just be the BEST" (via AM at GYF, Bali 2012)

Why they are so bothering when everything is going not alright? such a shame to know that they are always judging by the appearence! mereka mungkin orang-orang yang terlalu realis yang selalu menampakkan kecurigaan untuk orang lain. Power yang dimiliki oleh setiap orang justru menjadi ancaman dan balancing power bagi orang di sekitarnya. mereka terlalu sibuk dengan masalah orang lain, tanpa peduli masih banyak persoalan "besar" yang bisa saja mereka urusi atau lebih perhatikan. Telinga, untuk mendengar. Tapi jikalau mendengar cemoohan sesering itu seharusnya bikin telinga siapa saja panas. So, how could they still bother and bothering? just make it simple, close your ear, focus to your goal. Slap hater with your achivement :)

"When haters were busy talking’ I was busy making it happen.
 When they were busy mocking, I was busy walking.
 When they were busy laughing I was busy running and they’re STILL wondering why they’re left behind." (AM)

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