Jumat, 21 November 2014
Loe Gue END
The day is finally come, the day to show what I feel. The day to decide where will we go. The day that finally I think enough is enough. November 19 2014, the remarkable day for me to end of all the story. To close the memoir with good memory. No look back, just go ahead. Thank you for the last eight years. Good luck for you!
Senin, 17 November 2014
Car Freak Day
Hello it's been a while ya. This article is only what I thought about "car free day" lately. Sorry to say about the provocative title, but just ignore it and close this blog if you feel bothered with it.
OK, actually I'm kinda person that usually comes to car free day every week. I usually going for bycicling with friends. Or maybe running with Indorunners Surabaya. But It's already three months I think I'm not joining this weekly events. I'm not very interesting with this kinda of events anymore. It more crowded, a lot of people coming and much of them are seller! I can say you would find a lot of various thing that sold over there. Fro beverages to t-shirt, from house furniture to pet's food. And omg that so uncomfortable for me. The main purpose of this idea actually to reduce the air pollution from hight concentration of motorcycle that used in our traffic. But lately, the person see more opportunity for their own business. It's kinda creative idea and valued their level of enterpreneurship skill. But I think they should considered about how big area it is and it should be more open space.
I do remember the accident from one of the biggest Ice Cream company in this country who want to share the Ice Cream FREE. But like it showed on the TV screen, the ignorance of the people made the plants and flower around Taman Bungkul was damage. They step on it! That make Mayor Tri Rismaharini very angry because Bungkul Park is one of the famous and best park in the city. And also claimed as one of the best in Asia. Actually I already predict that this car free day is more crowded than before because everyone want to have quality time in the weekend. To have more positive activity and also ignite the idea of healthy lifestyle. But I also wondering that some people only come the car free day because they are follower. They only joining with their community and want to get along with others. Because the events like fun running or color run also held for several times. This kind of running is not so serious with the competition, it's only provide the runners fun and jog.
With this condition the government have to open more the public area for car free day it self. They can use more street to used as the car free day area. Or maybe they have to strengthen the policy for seller to not sell in car free day area. In this level I more realize that the boom of Indonesia population. More people growing in term of age, but the way they thinking in term of maturity I should say NO.
OK, actually I'm kinda person that usually comes to car free day every week. I usually going for bycicling with friends. Or maybe running with Indorunners Surabaya. But It's already three months I think I'm not joining this weekly events. I'm not very interesting with this kinda of events anymore. It more crowded, a lot of people coming and much of them are seller! I can say you would find a lot of various thing that sold over there. Fro beverages to t-shirt, from house furniture to pet's food. And omg that so uncomfortable for me. The main purpose of this idea actually to reduce the air pollution from hight concentration of motorcycle that used in our traffic. But lately, the person see more opportunity for their own business. It's kinda creative idea and valued their level of enterpreneurship skill. But I think they should considered about how big area it is and it should be more open space.
I do remember the accident from one of the biggest Ice Cream company in this country who want to share the Ice Cream FREE. But like it showed on the TV screen, the ignorance of the people made the plants and flower around Taman Bungkul was damage. They step on it! That make Mayor Tri Rismaharini very angry because Bungkul Park is one of the famous and best park in the city. And also claimed as one of the best in Asia. Actually I already predict that this car free day is more crowded than before because everyone want to have quality time in the weekend. To have more positive activity and also ignite the idea of healthy lifestyle. But I also wondering that some people only come the car free day because they are follower. They only joining with their community and want to get along with others. Because the events like fun running or color run also held for several times. This kind of running is not so serious with the competition, it's only provide the runners fun and jog.
With this condition the government have to open more the public area for car free day it self. They can use more street to used as the car free day area. Or maybe they have to strengthen the policy for seller to not sell in car free day area. In this level I more realize that the boom of Indonesia population. More people growing in term of age, but the way they thinking in term of maturity I should say NO.
Senin, 03 November 2014
Speak Up!
Kemarin sempat ketemu dengan teman yang bisa meramal dengan Oracle. Baru tau pertama kali juga, setelah ada ramalan2 kartu biasa, palmistry, tarot, dan yang ini memang baru. Tapi intinya hampir sama sih menurutku, pilih beberapa kartu, pengen tau apa yang terjadi soal cinta, karir, atau kuliah. Cuman memang katanya kalo Oracle ini lebih main bahasa-bahasa yang diplomatis dan solutif (Katanya yang ngeramal). Beda dengan ramalan tarot karena lebih menggambarkan masa depan. Disini oracle lebih maen ke What's next? What should and what should not? Tapi dalam tulisan ini bukan bahas soal itu sih. Tapi lebih ke kata-kata pembaca oracle tentang apa yang pengen ku ketahuin. Lagi, ya tentang orang itulah. Yang sewindu selalu ada di pikiranku. Intinya pada waktu kemaren aku pengen tau kedepannya hubungan ini mau dibawa kemana? Secara kan emang tiga bulan ini sedang dingin dan emang aku yang tidak berusaha menghubungi dia atau menghindar.
Then, si pembaca oracle ini menyampaikan isi kartu yang ku pilih (lupa ada delapan). Yang bikin menohok pertama katanya si dia ini ternyata juga "care" sama aku. Kedua dari kita sama-sama nyaman dengan hubungan ini dan memang sama-sama sayang (sumpah ini kata doi yang membaca). Tapi emang hubungan ini jadi beban buat aku, padahal disatu sisi juga aku jadi tenang dekat doi. Terus ternyata masalahnya simple, karena selama ini aku yang cuman ngasih kode. Gak pengen bilang ke doinya. Jadi menurut si pembaca oracle ini aku harus ngomong ke dia. Tentang apa-apanya, terlebih masalah hati nih. Dalam hal komunikasi sesuatu yang kadang udah disampein aja sering mispersepsi, apalagi yang cuman dipendem doang. Nah, mirip plek sama yang dinasehatin sama angger kapan hari juga. Eeeeits, tapi kan tapi kan. kalo dari akunya udah nganggep dia udah tau dengan segala perhatian dan sikap aku ke dia selama ini. Terus aku juga gak ngarep lebih, karena masa depan kita masing-masing masih panjang. Toh juga aku gak suka hubungan yang menye-menye. Kalaupun mau langsung mengikat pun masih terlalu dini. Tapi kalau mau ngelepas juga yaudah. Ini yang memang lagi ku pertimbangin.
Rada stres kalau udah bahas soal dia. Yang salah ntar pasti akunya. Yawes, akhirnya semalem aku coba ngomong ke anaknya, eh malah dia katanya sibuk ngerjain laporan TA. Yawes aku gak tega, kapan-kapan aja deh. Nah kan, sampai sekarang akhirnya belom bisa ngomong. Pun kalo aku ngomong aku juga gak bisa jamin apa-apa buat ke depannya. Tapi at least aku bisa lega katanya. Biar gak jadi beban. Syukur kalau perasaan ini terbalas, ya pasti sakit juga kalau sebelah tangan. Tapi apapun hasilnya aku udah siap. Dan malah aku gak berharap apa-apa. Yang ada ya cuman pengen ngelepasin satu persatu beban biar lebih ringan menghadapi apapun yang di depan. OK? Expect less and prepare for the worst.
Then, si pembaca oracle ini menyampaikan isi kartu yang ku pilih (lupa ada delapan). Yang bikin menohok pertama katanya si dia ini ternyata juga "care" sama aku. Kedua dari kita sama-sama nyaman dengan hubungan ini dan memang sama-sama sayang (sumpah ini kata doi yang membaca). Tapi emang hubungan ini jadi beban buat aku, padahal disatu sisi juga aku jadi tenang dekat doi. Terus ternyata masalahnya simple, karena selama ini aku yang cuman ngasih kode. Gak pengen bilang ke doinya. Jadi menurut si pembaca oracle ini aku harus ngomong ke dia. Tentang apa-apanya, terlebih masalah hati nih. Dalam hal komunikasi sesuatu yang kadang udah disampein aja sering mispersepsi, apalagi yang cuman dipendem doang. Nah, mirip plek sama yang dinasehatin sama angger kapan hari juga. Eeeeits, tapi kan tapi kan. kalo dari akunya udah nganggep dia udah tau dengan segala perhatian dan sikap aku ke dia selama ini. Terus aku juga gak ngarep lebih, karena masa depan kita masing-masing masih panjang. Toh juga aku gak suka hubungan yang menye-menye. Kalaupun mau langsung mengikat pun masih terlalu dini. Tapi kalau mau ngelepas juga yaudah. Ini yang memang lagi ku pertimbangin.
Rada stres kalau udah bahas soal dia. Yang salah ntar pasti akunya. Yawes, akhirnya semalem aku coba ngomong ke anaknya, eh malah dia katanya sibuk ngerjain laporan TA. Yawes aku gak tega, kapan-kapan aja deh. Nah kan, sampai sekarang akhirnya belom bisa ngomong. Pun kalo aku ngomong aku juga gak bisa jamin apa-apa buat ke depannya. Tapi at least aku bisa lega katanya. Biar gak jadi beban. Syukur kalau perasaan ini terbalas, ya pasti sakit juga kalau sebelah tangan. Tapi apapun hasilnya aku udah siap. Dan malah aku gak berharap apa-apa. Yang ada ya cuman pengen ngelepasin satu persatu beban biar lebih ringan menghadapi apapun yang di depan. OK? Expect less and prepare for the worst.
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